How Debtors Should Handle Debt Collectors
Many Oak Park residents have struggled with debt at one point or another, and many continue to face seemingly constant calls from debt collectors . In some cases, debt collectors may be violating the terms of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), even when debtors legitimately owe money, by harassing debtors, calling at odd hours, threatening or intimidating debtors, and using other unlawful tactics. In other situations, debt collectors engage in unlawful behavior by attempting to collect on debts that the person being targeted does not actually owe, or attempting to file claims to collect on debts that have been time-barred by the Illinois statute of limitations. When you already are struggling with debt and attempting to get on top of your monthly bills, having to deal with debt collectors can add enormous stress to your day-to-day life. A recent article in U.S. News & World Report provides some important tips for dealing with debt collectors. Understand Who is Att...