Can I File for Two Types of Bankruptcy at the Same Time?
Is there ever a situation in which a person or entity can file for two types of bankruptcy at the same time? For instance, if you are a business owner and have a struggling business, and you are also having immense difficulty with your own personal finances, can you file for two different forms of bankruptcy at the same time? Generally speaking, the Bankruptcy Code clarifies that an individual cannot file for two different types of personal bankruptcy at the same time, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy . Likewise, a corporation cannot file for two different types of bankruptcy at the same time, such as Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy. For a single entity to file for two different types of bankruptcy, there are timetables and waiting limits for multiple discharges. We will talk you through the waiting times if you want to file for bankruptcy twice, and then we will explain scenarios in which a business owner could end up in two different types of bankruptcy ...