Getting Back on Track When You Have Auto Loan Debt
Many consumers borrow money to pay for automobiles. For Oak Park residents who rely on their vehicles for transportation to work in Chicago and the surrounding area, it can be extremely anxiety-inducing to fall behind on their car payments. However, many Americans simply do not have the requisite savings to pay for an emergency situation and to continue paying monthly bills. For instance, if a medical emergency arises, many consumers prioritize those payments over auto loan payments, especially if someone in the family is in need of life-saving treatment. Sometimes consumer bankruptcy may be the best option. According to a recent post from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), getting behind on your car payment does not always result in repossession. In some cases, filing for personal bankruptcy may allow you to discharge medical debt and to get back on track for paying off a car loan. Reduce the Risk of Falling Further Behind on Your Car Payment The...