Can Non-Citizens in the U.S. File for Consumer Bankruptcy?
If you are a recent immigrant to the Chicago area and do not have residency status, what are your rights with regard to personal bankruptcy ? More specifically, are Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy options that are only available to U.S. citizens? If you are permitted to seek consumer bankruptcy protection as an immigrant, can a potential bankruptcy discharge impact your immigration status? These are all important questions, and it is always essential to speak with an experienced Oak Park bankruptcy lawyer before you make any plans to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy laws are quite complicated, even if know that you are eligible to file for bankruptcy. When there are additional issues compounding the complexity of your case, such as immigration matters, it is particularly important to seek advice from a legal advocate. Who May Be a Debtor According to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code? To gain a better understanding to the questions we presented above, it is fi...