Facing Your Credit Card Debt
According to a recent article in NerdWallet.com , dealing with credit card debt can be a frustrating and difficult experience. However, it is possible to put an end to that debt without filing for bankruptcy . While Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection can really help debtors in the Chicago area who do not have other options for debt relief, there may be other ways to put a dent in your debt, so to speak, without damaging your credit rating. The NerdWallet.com article discusses numerous ways in which the average consumer with a substantial amount of credit card debt might be able to begin lowering that debt in a meaningful way. Acknowledge That You are Not on Track to Pay Off Your Debts One of the first steps, the article suggests, in getting back on track with your debt is acknowledging that you are not earning enough to pay off what you have charged on credit in a timely manner. Debtors often get themselves into states of denial by thinking that it makes sense to make ...