Ed-Tech Bankruptcy Sale and Student Data
FTC Aims to Protect Student Information After Bankruptcy ConnectEDU is an ed-tech company that recently filed for bankruptcy . With the looming sale of the company’s approximately 20 million student records, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has indicated that it will “step in to protect the student data,” according to a recent article in Education Week . How can bankruptcy put student data at risk? The company, ConnectEDU, has been around for a little over a decade. According to the article, it “provides interactive tools to help K-12 and post-secondary learners make academic and career decisions.” ConnectEDU’s privacy policy made a promise to its users that, prior to the company’s sale for any reason, all “registered users would be notified and have the ability to delete their personally identifiable data.” In other words, a sale of the company could result in the buyer gaining access to personal information from registered users of Connect...